Friday, September 9, 2011

I'm leaving, on a jet plane

Okay now I'm starting to freak out a little. Five days. How is it already July 13th??? I still have things to buy, things to pack, things to figure out, before I leave on Monday morning. I feel like I am abandoning numerous people by going and it makes me feel like a horrible friend. It would be so much easier to just stay here and not have to deal with leaving. But isn't life just like that? Sometimes you have to do things that are difficult. Or that once seemed like a great idea but now just seem like a pain. Sometimes you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone and create new experiences for yourself. And it is always good to have these experiences. As difficult as it may be, as uncomfortable as it may feel, you can always learn something about the world, about people, about life, about yourself, that will help you become a better person when you step outside of your own little world and thus expand it.

Kayla will have her beautiful, healthy, happy baby even if I'm not there for that. Sierra won't even remember that I wasn't there for her second birthday. I will be able to keep in semi-regular contact with everyone else while I am away and won't miss out on too much in five weeks. I can wish that the timing would be better, but the timing will never be good to just leave for a month. I can wish that I could take people with me, but it wouldn't be a growing experience if I didn't have to do this on my own. I can try to figure everything out and plan every little detail of my time away, but there are always unexpected things that come up and throw a wrench in the works.

I can't wait to see Korea and experience the culture meet amazing people and fall in love with my students and learn more about myself and the world. Leaving is just going to be really hard this time around.

On a side note, just in case you want to know what Korean fashion is like (because I myself was curious), check out this site. Kind of makes me wish I was Korean.

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