Friday, September 9, 2011

T minus one day

Field trip...where there was nothing to do but look at this pond.

Oh my gosh I love this kid. He was hot and didn't have an umbrella
so he picked a leaf to shade himself with!

One of the most adorable boys ever

They love their stickers! They count as part of their "grade" so they
get really excited when they get some.

My co-teacher and our student Kate

The boys: practicing their song

And the girls!

Waiting in line! Probably getting in trouble...

Teaching the kids how to make cookies

Playing a game that Diana came up with

Teaching them how to "crack" eggs and "stir." New vocabulary!

Fighting over the last banana pancake! Rock-paper-scissors style.

Golden Bell. This symbol means "true."

Jason was one of the finalists in Golden Bell.
So proud of him! (this is the "false" symbol)

Roger and Transformer :)

Me and my lovely roommates! Me, Diana (also my co-teacher) and Moony.

Love this kid! (Roger)

Bumblebee thinking hard!

Me and Anne

Bumblebee...he did not want a picture taken!
He looks like a trouble maker, but is one of the
smartest kids in our class and so much fun.

Jason on the right is my student, I don't remember the other's name...

Cute :)

"Survival Games"

Chaos in the gym

Teachers goofing around

Today was the last day of actual teaching! Tomorrow we will have some games and testing and other activities for the kids, then the following day we all pack up and head out. It seems like this camp took forever to pass. But now that its the end, it seems like it flew by! I am so in love with my students and had a lot of fun teaching, although I'm as tired as I have ever been. It might be a little sad to say goodbye to these kids that I've bonded with and been inspired by, but I still am looking forward to coming home :)

Here are the Korean words/phrases I've learned so far during my stay (if you speak Korean, please ignore the phonetic spelling and horrific pronunciation):
Annyong haseyo (hello) (or just 'Annyong' if you're talking to a child)
Kamsahamnida (thank you)
Bali Bali! (Hurry!)
Ne (yes-pronounced like 'nay')
Anyi (no)
Man gi gi ma (don't touch me)
Piyante (pervert)
Hua jang shil (bathroom)
Opa (brother-used by females to refer to any male older than themselves)
Oma (mom-used by my students in reference to me cooking in an apron)
Annyong hikaseyo (goodbye-if you are leaving the other person)
Annyong hikayseyo (goodbye-if you are the one staying)
Hapyang (put your hands together in front of your chest-prayer position at the temple)
Pambay (bow)
Otokay (I have no idea what it means, but hear it all the time)
Assa! (awesome!)
Nakshi! ("Just kidding!" Actually, more like "psych!")
Hull ("wow" or any other equivalent utterance of amazement/shock/surprise/excitement)
Aish (kind of like "oh my gosh")

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